Rocky Mountain Chapter

Volunteer Openings!

The strength of the Rocky Mountain Chapter is in its volunteers. Join in on the fun with others on committees to help with chapter activities. New faces welcome! To join contact a coordinator, or use the Contact Us link in the footer of this page.

Members Helping Other Members

Please read with an open mind and an open heart


Coordinator – Tim Morgan

The Mentoring Group is a new community of RMC volunteers whose goal is to welcome new faces to the chapter. Over the past couple of years, I’ve heard new members complain: “When I come to a function, I don’t know anybody, and no one talks to me.”. Let’s help them break the ice! When new members come to their first program, let’s welcome them and put them at ease by introducing them to existing members. By asking a few questions and sharing our experiences, conversations are quickly started. Many new members are looking for ways to become involved in our chapter. We can guide them to resources while capitalizing on their enthusiasm. Let’s tell them about the RMC-NARGS website, newsletter archive, and our national society. RMC mentors offer to answer questions and provide details on future chapter activities. It’s easy to be friendly and meet new, interesting people. Don’t hesitate to join this group, contact Tim Morgan today!


Current March 2024 Volunteers:  Lee R.,  Katy B.,  Bob S.,  Steve A.


Coordinator – Lee Recca

Garden Angels is another new opportunity for RMC volunteers that offers occasions to help RMC members with garden maintenance. Sometimes a member would like a bit of help with regular maintenance such as deadheading, weeding, light pruning, possibly minor irrigation issues, etc. Other maintenance issues that arise could be Spring or Fall cleanup, refreshing mulch, or prepping a garden for a tour. It might also be a member’s desire to get suggestions and advice on the spot. Join this group of member volunteers who will come together to help maintain another member’s garden on an as-requested basis. If you are new to rock gardening, this is an excellent opportunity to learn new skills and techniques from expert rock gardeners in our club. Joining this group takes just a few hours a month on an ad hoc basis. Getting together to work in a rock garden will be fun, social, and an opportunity to share knowledge. Get on the list to learn about Garden Angel projects and contact Lee Recca today!


Current March 2024 Volunteers:  Carol G., Rebecca D.,  Erik H.,  Marianne N.,  Katy B.,  Bob S., Steve A.


Coordinator – Steve Aegerter

Workshops is our third new option for RMC volunteer opportunities. This is a possible learning exercise for any member, but quite possibly for a newer member. This could work in several ways:


  • A member wants to build a new rock garden or perhaps make an addition to an existing garden. He thinks this might be a good learning opportunity for sure for newer members and possibly even veterans. He purchases all the materials and they are already at the job site. He calls the workshop coordinator and then he/she calls the members who have enrolled for the “Workshop List.” Occasionally, the Workshops could dovetail with the Garden Angels.
  • A new member wants to perhaps build their first rock garden. The “Workshop Coordinator” arranges for someone, possibly him or herself to determine the materials needed and tells the member what will be needed.  They determine how and when the materials will arrive at the job site depending on the availability of a Workshop Crew. There may be a small dollar amount available from the chapter to assist with these costs.

Just another example of members helping members, it doesn’t take a great of time to show off your talents. Why not join this team and contact Steve Aegerter today?


Current March 2024 Volunteers:  Tim M.,  Hugh M.,  Randy T.,  Katy B.

Other Volunteer Positions available

Webmaster Administrator and Assistant


Assists the webmaster, manages the website hosting company account, domain and email settings, etc.The Website Administrator creates and manages site backups and general administrative activities related to hosting the RMC website.


Website Content Administrator


The Website Content Administrator is a volunteer position that works with the Technology Administrator, Saximontana Editor and other Website Administrators to maintain content on the RMC website. The person joins a team to keep the RMC website fresh with new content and up to date with current events and chapter activities. This role is perfect for someone wanting to learn state-of-the-art website development and is mentored by other website administrators. A large quantity of content is already identified, and the chapter needs help in getting it posted on the website. This valuable content benefits all members in the chapter and is an important growth area in 2024.